Law enforcement is all about enforcing the law after it has already been broken. The police and justice system work together to search, apprehend, and judge people who break the law. However, it is a pretty hard truth to admit that they are already at breaking point with the current state of crime in the country. Additionally, this means that they devote their resources to higher priority problems rather than surveillance or preventative measures. That is where commercial security services and security guard services come in. Security guards serve as a bridge between the law enforcement and common man, fulfilling a middle ground that needs prevention, but not authority.
What this means is that the foremost role of security guards in Orange County is not to catch or apprehend criminals, but rather make sure that through their very presence, no crime occurs. The final decision on the responsibilities and roles of security guards lies with their employer, but in this article we have detailed the major roles and responsibilities that security guards usually undertake in the course of their jobs. If you are considering a career at a security company in Los Angeles, or if you are a prospective customer wondering why security guards are necessary, this should serve as a good insight into the industry.
So what are the responsibilities of security guards? And what roles do they fill to fulfill these duties?
The prime responsibility of security guards is to prevent any damage to property or people under the care of their employer. This means that they must be on the watch for incidents before they happen. The lesser the number of incidents on their watch, the better they are at doing their job.
Visible Deterrents
Criminals are always on the lookout for places to steal from. When they do this, they prefer to take on easy targets that look vulnerable and unpopulated, to make sure that they are not interrupted or caught. Hence, the mere presence of a security guard indicates that the place is actively monitored, dissuading potential criminals from entering the property.
Another important role of security guards is to monitor and survive the area they are guarding to watch for any unusual activity. This is accomplished through a variety of means, such as CCTV cameras, regular patrols, and interaction with customers and employees. This will allow guards to head off potential incidents earlier, and prevent any major lapses in security.
Report to Law Enforcement
Despite the best efforts of security guards, an offense may occur. In times like this, the security guard fulfills the role of reporting and documenting the incident for the local law enforcement. This ensures that they have the information they need to track and apprehend suspects. A security guard is NOT supposed to engage, and is only meant to supervise and report, to prevent any harm to themselves or liability to their employer.
Contact Law Enforcement
In case a security guard comes across a crime in progress, or a potential future crime being planned, it is their responsibility to get this information to law enforcement so that the police can prevent or apprehend the criminals in the act. Prompt and speedy action from security guards can often result in thousands of dollars saved in property damage or insurance claims.
These varying roles and responsibilities are a small sample of the typical job duties of a security guard in California. In the quest to keep communities and people safe from crime, theft, and anxiety, security guards serve an important role in keeping everyone safe. Hand in hand with law enforcement and the rest of the judicial system, security guards are an essential part of the modern state.